90 Meetings in 90 Days
Often known as “90 in 90”, the practice of attending a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous every day for 90 days in a row is a common suggestion for a newcomer to AA. A newcomer is typically newly sober and requires significant support to maintain sobriety. It’s common that a newcomer doesn’t feel well both physically and mentally, as they no longer have alcohol or other substances that served as the solutions to their problems until recently. Without their preferred solution, newcomers are left to face their problems without the buffer of intoxication.
Why are daily AA meetings important for my recovery?
Daily attendance of AA meetings can serve several purposes. The first is human contact. Newcomers are welcomed into a community of people who understand them – something they’ve always had trouble finding. Through that contact, they make new relationships which give them some hope as they face the reality of their situation. Another benefit of 90 in 90 is that many newcomers are unconvinced that Alcoholics Anonymous and abstinence from drugs and alcohol is the right path for them. Everything inside the newcomer is telling them to run away, that the alcohol that worked to keep them comfortable for so long is still the answer.
They’re sure they’re different, that AA isn’t for them. But as the 90 days unfold, newcomers hear many stories other AA members share. Eventually, someone’s story resonates with the newcomer. She starts identifying with the situations and feelings she hears. In this way, 90 in 90 is a “large dose” of AA, intended to create and solidify the newcomer’s connection to her new AA home group.
What are the benefits of 90 in 90?
A sober support group is a critical foundation for a life in recovery, and it is complemented by a great substance use disorder treatment program. While some people do find lasting recovery through AA alone, many benefit greatly from the deeply personal and individualized professional counseling of a treatment program which AA cannot provide. For more information about how to choose treatment options, please click here.
For a more in-depth discussion of AA, treatment, and anything related to substance use disorders, please call iWILL ’til iRECOVER for a FREE consultation: 800.258.6550
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