Vital Spark podcast

Welcome to Vital Spark a podcast of experts sharing the next wave in opioid addiction recovery.
Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube.

We believe in providing our patients with innovative evidence-based treatment options, so we’ve partnered with Spark Biomedical, the developers of the Sparrow Therapy System. Listen to some of the most recent podcast episodes on innovations in addiction treatment.

Recent Episodes

July 20, 2022

Michael Spirintz

The Intersection of Pain and Withdrawal: Reviewing New CDC Opioid Guidelines

April 11, 2022

Randy Grimes

Off Center: Addiction Recovery and Redemption in Football

May 17, 2022

Dr. Carlos Tirado, MD, MPH

Wearable Neurostimulation Clinical Trial Part 2

February 17, 2022

Dr. Navid

This is Your Brain on Electricity

May 17, 2022

Dr. Carlos Tirado, MD, MPH

Wearable Neurostimulation Clinical Trial Part 1

January 1, 2022

Daniel Powell

Neurostimulation for Opioid Withdrawal Relief